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2010年10月5日 星期二

First day to wear uniform

I mentioned yesterday that I have an assessment today!
It is a major assessment that we have to pass in order to continue with the training.
It is about English Service Language Assessment.
It was a disaster and I don't think I will ace that assessment.
anywayz, it is out first day to wear the uniform today, and we were all so excited about this. However, It was just not the same way as what I thought of.
I got different strange sights from pass-byers, and I feel like I am a walking display.
Although some people may enojoy the fame after wearing the uniform, however, for me it just means that I have to be responsible for my own action. I couldn't eat, couldn't talk loud, can't go shooping after work, and cannot eat with family memebers with uniform on.
There is always a price to pay!
Share some enjoying moments with you guys!

