I have been job hunting for the last month, however, I have sent out almost 80 letters and I still got a few phone calls and three interviews. I don't know what happened to me but then what I have to do is to keep trying, until I get a job.
I tried so hard to be involve in this new city to me.
I am afraid that I cannot get a job here, I am afraid that I will be like this for the rest of my life. I am scared like I was a year ago when I didn't get the job offer from Fairchild. I cried, I desperately looking for other jobs, I tred so hard to get into the community.
Last time I am lucky enough to finally get this job opportunity, how about this time? Do I have to count on luck again? How long is the Godness of Luck follow me through?
a pretty funny incident that I encountered yesterday while job hunting
I was working for my freelance friend on an advertisment shooting. I got calls from many companies at once. There was one HR agency called me and asked to go to interview for an assistant manager post in a company called Convoy. I asked her for a couple times: are you finding the right person? are you sure I am the canadiate you guys are looking for?i really don't think that I fit for this position. The girl on the other side of the phone just asked me to go there and have a first interview to see if the work suits me. I didn't thought through but said yes.
I was working at that time and I kind of remembering the address ut I actually forgot the HR company name.
I went back home yesterday and tried to find the HR company online by the address that I rememeber. I found different companies names under the same address and even the same room number. I started to suspect this company and I kept searching and browsing, and finally I found serveral forum post saying the same thing: which is getting the same call from this company, asking to interview for the same post in the same company she offered me, and the same address. After all, I realized that I shouldn't go the the interview today, this is because it is probably the some kind of insurance company hiring sales associates.
That's a nice experience and of coz I won't fall into the same trap next time.
The HR company called me this morning to ask me to remember to go to interview this afternoon, and I told her I am not interested in this position and declined that interview.